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11th February 2021 - Newspaper Plus 7 dní, page 76-77, our client Erika Barkolová

Read the blog about study in Canada

24th May 2018 - Magazine Trend, page 5

8th March 2018 - Magazine Trend, page 5

February 15, 2018 - television STV 2 at 23:25, show "Anjeli strážni"

9th February, 2018 - Newspaper Nový Čas, page 9

4th of October 2017 - Newspaper Hospodárske Noviny, page 6

13th of November 2015 - daily N, page 7

6th of May, 2015 - daily PRAVDA, appendix Užitočná Pravda pages 8-9 Read a story of one of our sucessful clients.

21st of April, 2015 - daily SME, page 5

21st of November, 2014 - daily PRAVDA, page 4

19th of November, 2014 - daily SME, page 2

13th of November, 2014 - daily SME, page 4

August, 2014 - monthly magazine EMMA, How is the life abroad

3rd of June, 2014 - television Lux, broadcast Doma je doma at 5:30 pm

October, 2012 - journal TIMES, pages 62-63

spring, 2012 - journal SLOVENSKO

(journal published by Maticou slovenskou), pages 10-11

November, 2011 - monthly magazine Golf

spring, 2011 - quartely magazine MILLIARD SUN

február - marec 2011 - bimonthly magazine Grand magazine

4th of August, 2010 - daily Pravda

22nd of July, 2010 -

22nd of July, 2010 - daily Sme

22nd of July, 2010 - daily Pravda

14th of April, 2010 - daily Hospodárske noviny

spring, 2010 - quartely magazine MILLIARD SUN, pages 21-23

22nd of February, 2010 - weekly Slovenka, pages 32-34

18th of February, 2010 - weekly Trend, pages 40-41

17th of February, 2010 - weekly Slovo, pages 14-15

11st of February, 2010 - daily Hospodárske noviny, pages 1and 14

autumn, 2009 - journal Milliard Sun, page 13

January, 2009 - monthly magazine Grand, page 79

May, 2008 - bimonthly magazine Centropolitan, page 27  

May, 2008 - Bratislava Leaders Magazine, pages 20-21

21st of February, 2007 - bimonthly magazine Profit

16th of January, 2007 - weekly Markíza no.3, pages 80-81

12nd of November, 2006 - radio Regina, broadcast Ľudia z križovatiek at 9:30 am

9th of August, 2006 - radio Regina, broadcast Kontakty at 11:00 am

12th of June, 2006 - daily Hospodárske noviny, pages 1 and 14

2nd of December, 2005 - weekly PLUS 7 DNÍ, page 156

Tomáš Baťa during the meeting at the firm Hagiel photo album from the meeting

24th of November, 2005 - TV Markíza, Televízne noviny 19:00 multimedia.htm

21st of November, 2005 - daily NOVÝ ČAS, pages 30-31

20th of July, 2005 - Rádio Regina, 11:00 broadcast Kontakty

27th of June, 2005 - fortnightly Profit no. 25-26

June, 2005 - monthly Brejk, pages 12-19

13th of February, 2005 - weekly Katolícke noviny

2nd of November, 2004 - daily Pravda

21st of October, 2004 - Radio Slovakia Internatianal, broadcast Spoločnosť a doba

6th of October, 2004 - daily Národná obroda

19th of July, 2004 - weekly Form no. 29

14th of July, 2004 - daily Nový čas, page 24

28th of June, 2004 - fortnightly Profit no. 25-26, pages 48-52

video from the official visit of Rudolf Schuster President of the Slovak Republic Multimedia.htm

21st of April, 2004 - broadcast in Rádio Regina at 10:10 am

February, 2004 - monthly EMMA

7th of January, 2004 - daily SME

January, 2004 - monthly BREJK

4th of December, 2003 - daily Hospodárske noviny

13th of July, 2003 - television JOJ, at 7:30 pm "Noviny"

7th of April, 2003 - daily Pravda

4th of March, 2003 - broadcast "Korzo" at 3:30 pm on TV Markíza

22nd of February, 2003 - daily SME

12th of February, 2003 - daily Hospodársky denník

4th of February, 2003 - daily Národná Obroda

3rd of January, 2003 - weekly Profit no.1

2nd of November, 2002 - Saturday with the radio OKEY

24th of October, 2002 - daily Hospodárske noviny

2nd of October, 2002 - radio Slovensko1 - broadcast Kontakt

13th of August, 2002 - monthly Fakty

30th of June, 2002 - radio B1 broadcast "Kaviareň"

19th of June, 2002 - radio Slovensko 1 "Štúdio kontakt"

10th of June, 2002 - daily Národná Obroda

1st of June, 2002 - daily SME

27th of May, 2002 - weekly Markíza no. 22

22nd of March, 2002 - daily SME no. 67

18th of March, 2002 - weekly "The Slovak Spectator" appendix "Careers Guide"

1st of March, 2002 - Radio Frontinus - broadcast "Fuj Hand"

12th of December, 2001 - daily Hospodárske noviny

23rd of November, 2001 - weekly Profit no. 47

18th of November, 2001 -  Radio Rebeca - broadcast "LETOM-SVETOM"

29th of September, 2001 - interview for the Radio Východ - broadcast "Pešia zóna"

18th of July, 2001 - Radio Slovensko - broadcast " Štúdio Kontakt “

4th of June, 2001 - weekly ŽIVOT, pages 22-23

23rd of May, 2001 - daily BRATISLAVSKÝ VEČERNÍK, page 6

15th of May, 2001 - daily NÁRODNÁ OBRODA, page 11

7th of March, 2001 - weekly FAKTY, pages 16-17

19th of January, 2001 - daily NOVÝ ČAS, pages 10-11

1st of January, 2001 - daily PRÁCA, page 10

12th of December, 2000 - daily NÁRODNÁ OBRODA, page 13

17th of November, 2000 - weekly HALÓ!, page 25

13th of October, 2000 - daily NÁRODNÁ OBRODA, page 26

9th of June, 2000 - weekly PROFIT, pages 20-21

8th of April, 2000 - daily PRÁCA "Rozhovor na sobotu", page 22

April, 2000 - monthly KANKÁN, pages 12-16

7th of March, 2000 - weekly ZEMPLÍNSKY REPORTÉR, page 4

27th of February, 2000 - STV 1 - broadcast together with the Minister of Labour Peter Magvaši at 7:30 pm

11th of January, 2000 - television LUNA - Televízne noviny at 7:15 pm

10th of January, 2000 - weekly ŽIVOT, pages 22-23

5th of November, 1999 - daily TRHÁK, page 10

26th of October, 1999 - weekly PROFIT, pages 22-23

26th of October, 1999 - daily TRHÁK, pages 12-13

14th of June, 1999 - daily NÁRODNÁ OBRODA, page 9

8th of June, 1999 - weekly PROFIT

6th of April, 1999 - HOSPODÁRSKY DENNÍK,  page 8

9th of March, 1999 - weekly FAKTY, pages 12-13

22nd of February, 1999 - broadcast "VITAJTE" in television MARKÍZA

December, 1998 - monthly DUEL,  pages 40-41

19th of November, 1998 - daily SME, page 5

22nd of October, 1998 - daily PRAVDA, page 13

14th of October, 1998 - daily PRACA, page 8

5th of August, 1998 - daily PRAVDA, page 3

23rd of June, 1998 - weekly PROFIT, page 13

18th of February, 1998 - NOVÝ ČAS, pages 12-13

10th of February, 1998 - weekly PROFIT, page 7

15th of October, 1997 - weekly FAKTY, pages 12-13

4th of October, 1997 - daily PRAVDA, page 11

5th of August, 1997 - weekly ŽIVOT, page 27

4th of June, 1997 - weekly FAKTY, page 9

1st of April, 1997 - NOVÝ ČAS, pages 10-11

8th of April, 1997 - NOVÝ ČAS, pages 6-7

8th of March, 1997 - daily PRAVDA, page 6