Canadian Offices in Europe

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Canadian Offices in Europe


Canadian Embassy in Vienna

The embassy is the official representation of Canada for the Slovak Republic. Embassy process application for Permanent Residence in Canada, Study Permit and Work Permit for citizens and persons with long-term residence in Slovak Republic, Czech Republic, Hungary, Austria and other neighboring countries.

Laurenzerberg Strasse 2 ( 3rd floor)
A-1010 Vienna, Austria

Personal visits:
Appointments must be scheduled in advance via email.

Phone.: (+43 1) 531 383 000
Fax: (+43 1) 531 383 911
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.









Ninon Valade

Program Manager of Immigration section of Canadian Embassy in Vienna








Dr. James Beltran

Chief medical examiner of Immigration section of Canadian Embassy in Vienna
(He is assessing the health status of applicants for study, work and permanent residence in Canada)   

Authorized Physicians in Slovak and Czek Republic



Canadian Embassy in Prague

The embassy is the official representation of Canada for the Czech Republic.

Ve Struhach 95/2
160 00 Prague 6
Czech Republic
Phone: (+420) 27210 1800
Fax: (+420) 27210 1890
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Opening hours:



Otto J. Jelínek
Canadian Ambasador to the Czech Republic


Joseph Burza at the meeting with Otto J. Jelínek.







Michael Calcott
Former Canadian Ambasador to the Slovak and Czech Republic

Michael Calcott at the friendly meeting with Joseph Burza at the holtel Marriott.





Canadian Consulate in Bratislava

The Consulate does not deal with tourist, work or permanent residence visa in Canada. These applications are processed at the Embassy in Vienna. The role of this consulate is to promote the development of trade between Canada and the Slovak. And provide assistance to Canadian Citizens.

Hotel Carlton bulding, 7th floor
Mostová 2
Bratislava, 811 02
Slovak Republic
Tel: (+421 2) 5920-4031
Fax: (+421 2) 5443-4227