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Eva Hadzima
First female honorary consul in Canada

Our former client MVDr. Eva Hadzima, became 1.6.2018 as the first woman in the history the honorary consul of the Slovak Republic in the province of Alberta. At the same time, he is the first honorary consul in history that had moved to Canada after 1989.

In 2000 Hagiel successfully immigrated Eva Hadzima along with her husband Maroš (on the pictured). They both left as young veterinarians. In Canada, two children were born to them. Eva Hadzima also runs her own veterinary clinic in Calgary.

Úspešní Slováci v Kanade
Company Hagiel in cooperation with the first Slovak Ambassador in Ottawa Anton Hykisch and with financial support of the Ministry of Culture of Slovak Republic, is preparing representative book Successful Slovaks in Canada (Úspešní Slováci v Kanade).

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J. Burza during the meeting with Canadian ambassador for Slovak and Czech Republic Otto J. Jelínek who was in the past the Minister of National Revenue for Canada. The theme of the meeting was the improvement of common economic relations with Canada because Mr. Jelinek is among other things also the founder of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce in the Czech Republic.

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At the headquarters of the company Hagiel, a friendly meeting of J. Burza and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Slovak Republic Miroslav Lajčák has taken place. The theme of the interview was the support of common relations between Canada and the Slovak Republic as well as the immigration of Slovaks to Canada.


On 30th of June in 2012 has an informal meeting of J. Burza and the current Minister of Foreign Affairs of Canada Mrs. Diane Ablonczy.


On the 20th of June in 2012 J. Burza met with the Ambassador of Canada Valarie Raymond. The meeting has taken place in the friendly atmosphere. The theme of the meeting was the improvement of the cooperation.


On the 27th of September in 2011 the meeting of J. Burza and Chairman of Supreme Court of the Slovak Republic Štefan Harabin has taken place. The theme of the meeting was the Law Enforcement of Canadian citizens and firms in the Slovak Republic.

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On the 19th of September in 2011 has meeting of J.Burza and Minister of Labour, Social Affairs and Family of the Slovak Republic Jozef Mihál. The main theme of the meeting was the draft to increase quota in the program International Experience Canada for the year 2012. Meaning, to increase the number of Slovak people accepted to legally work in Canada.


On the 28th of May in 2010, a friendly meeting of J. Burza Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Slovak Republic Miroslav Lajčák has taken place. The theme of the interview was the support of common relations between Canada and the Slovak Republic, immigration of to Canada as well as the XXI. Winter Olympic Games in Vancouver.


On the 3rd of February in 2009, the meeting of J. Burza and the Program Manager at the Immigration Section of the Canadian Ambassy in Vienna Mrs. Ninon Valade has taken place. 


On the 4th of December in 2008 has the General Honorary Consul in Calgary Jerry J. Jelinek, who is also the General Manager of Stuffing Agency Caslavia with the headquarters in Calgary visited Mr. J. Burza.

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Legendary entrepreneur of our and international scene Tomáš J. Baťa died before his 94th birthday on the 1st of September in 2008, in Toronto. On the 16th of September, the final farewell has taken place.

From the left:  his son Thomas Bata, J. Burza and grandson Thomas Bata

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From the left:  Baťa’s daughter Christine, grandson Thomas


On the 2nd of July in 2007 has the Vice-president of International Canadian company AKUNA CANADA Inc. Tomas Smolik visited the company Hagiel. During the meeting with J. Burza the topic of next cooperation with the aim of hiring the clients of Hagiel right after their arrival to Canada at the branches of the company AKUNA had been negotiated.


On the 2nd of December in 2006 has the informal meeting of J. Burza and newly appointed Ambassador to the Slovak and Czech Republic Michael Calcott.


On the 5th of April in 2006, the newly appointed General Honorary Consul at the Slovak Embassy in Ottawa Ivan Chromo had been introduced to the firm Hagiel. The topic of the discussion was the intensification of future cooperation.


On the 15th of March in 2006 came to visit the company Hagiel former client Katarína Homolová, former Redactor of foreign news TV MARKÍZA who is currently successful in Canada as a Producer of the Canadian television SEDNA. During the meeting with J. Burza the join cooperation has been agreed on. Many of our clients work for the television Sedna.


On the 24th of November in 2005 has the world-known producer of shoes Tomáš Baťa visited the company Hagiel. At this occasion, he celebrated his 91st birthday.

Video from the visit broadcasted on TV Markíza


On the 19th of May in 2005, the presentation of the company Air Canada had been provided. Between the representatives of the company Air Canada was also director for the Europe Mr. Olivier Simon, who declared the interest in opening a branch of Air Canada in the Slovak Republic.

krst knihy

On the 18th of May in 2005 has the company Hagiel baptized its own book about Canada under the name How to become a Canadian. The book includes practical information about the life in Canada.

Godfathers were Rudolf Schuster, Anton Hykich and Vladimír Šťastný.


Farewell meeting before the departure of the flight with Patrik Jandák (second from the left), photographer of the President of the Slovak Republic whom the company Hagiel arranged the Immigration Visa to Canada. Ing. Magdaléna Čerňanská, former Main Officer of the Canadian Officer in Bratislava (first from the left) has also intended the meeting.

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Director of the company Hagiel Ing. Joseph Burza on the 23rd of March in 2005 with the newly appointed Ambassador of the Slovak Republic in Ottawa Ing. Stanislav Opiela. The result of this meeting was a treaty about the intensification of the cooperation with the Embassy of the Slovak Republic in Ottawa.


Ing. Anton Hykish, former Ambassador of the Slovak Republic in Ottawa during the meeting with Ing. J. Burza and Ing. René Augustín, the authors of the book about Canada. Mr. Hykish promised cooperation when working on the book.


Ing. J. Burza during the meeting with Cardinal Jozef Tomko. The topic of discussion was the journey of Cardinal to Canada.

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Ing. J. Burza during the meeting with Rudolf Schuster and General Prosecutor of the Slovak Republic who cooperates with the company Hagiel because his son has immigrated to Ottawa few years ago.